Vacuum potting for maximum performance

Air bubbles in the potting material impair the performance of electronic components. In many applications – especially in the automotive and electronics industries – this is a complete no-go.
There can be absolutely no bubbles in these components, so the focus here is on potting in a vacuum.

There is a commonly held belief that this technology is too complicated, too expensive and too slow. But that is not the case at all, as you’ll see.

So when is potting in a vacuum advisable?

Our short checklist will help you determine whether vacuum potting is right for your project.

Entscheider: Vakuumverguss


In many applications, air bubbles can be tolerated to a certain extent from a functional point of view. Your application does not yet absolutely require potting in a vacuum.

If one or more items in the checklist apply to your products and therefore their potting requirements – whether that’s because you’ve had some bad experiences before or because you really don’t want to take any risk – then vacuum potting will give you the results you’re looking for.

Bubble-free potting

If one or more items in the checklist apply to your products and therefore their potting requirements – whether that’s because you’ve had some bad experiences before or because you really don’t want to take any risk – then vacuum potting will give you the results you’re looking for.

White Paper on vacuum potting

Want to learn more? Find the answers in our new whitepaper.

Download it now here:

Download "Whitepaper Vacuum Potting"

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Control and operation

Find out more about our upgrade in the form of a new control concept for vacuum equipment.

Read more here

bubble-free potting 

Increasing quality requirements and workpiece complexity or added degrees of freedom in design and engineering are just some of the many reasons to choose vacuum potting. Scheugenpflug vacuum dispensers were designed for cost-effective batch production at the highest levels of quality. All VDS systems feature a dispensing unit for 1C or 2C potting media, depending on your needs.

Watch the video on vacuum potting with Scheugenpflug VDS P.