A guest article by Holger Schuh, Henkel

Accurate, efficient and effective thermal management has always been important, but it is now even more critical because it is having to meet ever increasing demands in electronic systems, and not only in the electromobility sector. 

Dispensable gap fillers are the answer. They are perfect replacements for the classic thermal pads used in electrical and electronic circuitry, especially in the automotive industry.

If the materials to be dispensed are highly viscous and/or abrasive, the focus shifts to the processing technology used. Only the right technology will guarantee stable, high-quality processes.

Animation heat dissipation
EV electronics | Heat dissipation
Holger Schuh, Global Technology Expert | Henkel
Holger Schuh
Global Technology Expert

Holger is a long-standing technology specialist at Henkel, specializing in thermal conductive materials, particularly for electronics applications.

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Electronic components and systems are becoming smaller and more powerful with ever greater packing densities, making effective thermal management absolutely imperative if they are to operate reliably, efficiently and therefore safely. This is especially true for applications such as ADAS systems and electronic control units (ECUs).

For many years, liquid gap fillers have been used as interface materials to enable a high degree of automation and rapid integration in the appropriate assemblies. They offer maximum flexibility to eliminate air gaps or cavities between adjacent uneven or rough surfaces and to close physical gaps.


Over the years, gap fillers and the systems used to dispense them have undergone continual development to improve dispensing behavior, abrasion, settling stability and long-term stability.

Today’s gap fillers feature optimized filler packages to reduce settling and achieve thinner layers for the lowest possible thermal resistance and easiest rapid dispensing. Users have a wide choice of products to arrive at their best fit.

Gap fillers have different thermal conductivities (from 1 to 6.5 W/mK) and appropriate rheologies. They are dimensionally stable and are suitable for dispensing lines, dots or larger patterns, for potting and for injecting into housings.


Dispensing of these mostly two-component, abrasive and highly viscous materials calls for dispensing technology specifically adapted for the purpose. The key here is to have optimized pumps for material handling, adaptable mixing technology and abrasion-resistant dispensing systems. The latest developments use piston technology in combination with needle closure technology, resulting in improved pressure stability and therefore higher dispensing rates. 

The material can be conveyed from large cartridge kits, from hobbocks or – for high throughputs – from 200 l drums.

This is not something that happens all by itself. Close and continual cooperation between material producers and dispensing system manufacturers is essential so that the right innovative solution is available for each new product and each new requirement.

Dispensing of two-component, abrasive and highly viscous materials
PCB – Printed Circuit Board

One thing is certain: the requirements for optimum thermal management, whether in a vehicle battery or an electronic circuit, will increase in the coming years. This will place greater demands on the material dispensing process. Only with high-quality, error-free, and long-term stable processing, an optimal dispensing of GapFillers, in terms of both quality and speed, can be achieved.

To find the right solution for your application you therefore need to talk to all the parties involved as early in your project as possible.

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