Training Manual Work Station 1 day

After the initial experience with the system and the daily tasks that a dispensing application entails, it is the ideal time to question your own way of working, to broaden your know-how and to explore optimization potential.



Why should you participate?

Based on the Beginner Training and your experiences, the Advanced Training and the exchange with our experts will enable you to improve the operation and efficiency of your system. You will learn how to independently develop, identify and implement optimization potentials. You will be able to carry out and document minor adjustments and repairs to the components safely and without support.


  • Refresher, summary and expansion
  • Current questions from the daily routine
  • Advanced training in dispensing and system technology
    • Parameterization and configuration for advanced users, XML files 
    • Fault analysis mechanics, electrics, pneumatics and application
  • Recognition and development of optimization potentials, TCO


  • Efficient, optimal and sustainable operation of the system 
  • Preventive and predictive maintenance 
  • Exchange on topics from practical experience 
  • In-depth understanding and know-how of system parameterization, configuration and programming

Further information

Order number3DLG00376
Training duration1 day
Number of participantsMax. 6
LanguageGerman, English, others on request
MethodologyTeaching interview, group work/case approach, practical exercises
For on-site trainingSystem freely accessible, room with projector, flipchart
Relevant systemsDos A90 | Dos A310 | PailFeed

Target group

This training is aimed at people who have successfully completed the beginner training or have comparable experience and knowledge of the system. It covers extended maintenance and repair work as well as optimization potentials in daily operation. 

  • Service / Maintenance personnel 
  • Process managers 
  • Production managers

Contact us now!

Advanced - Manual Work Station

Request Academy (Training)

Request Form
Rainer Haslauer, Scheugenpflug Academy

Rainer Haslauer


Teléfono: +49 9445 9564 225

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