Training Adhesives and Dispensing Technology 2 Days

In this training we give you a basic insight and overview regarding adhesives and dispensing technology as well as the underlying process technology. You will learn the relevant basics of the overall "dispensing" process, its requirements and prerequisites. Building on this knowledge, you will be able to plan and implement your first projects and dispensing applications.



Why should you participate?

The key to success in bonding, sealing and potting always lies in a comprehensive view and mastery of process engineering. However, the complexity of adhesive processes does not have to discourage anyone. With this beginner training you experience and learn the basics and create the prerequisites to plan, implement and supervise first projects and applications in the field of dispensing technology.


  • Adhesives and their properties 
  • Handling of hazardous substance
  • Basics of process engineering 
  • Overview of system technology 
  • Application – process management – component design 
  • Upstream and downstream processes 
  • Process monitoring and quality control


  • Understanding the relationships between material, dispensing technology and application result 
  • Ability to plan a dispensing application independently while taking all relevant factors into account (component design, material pre-selection, process and system planning, quality assurance)

Further information

Order numberSP0204177
Training duration2 Days
Number of participantsMIn. 4, max. 12
LanguageGerman, English, others on request
MethodologyTeaching interview, group work/case approach, practical exercises
For on-site trainingSystem freely accessible, room with projector, flipchart

Target group

This Training is aimed at people who are or will be responsible for planning, implementing and supervising a wide variety of dispensing tasks.

  • Process managers 
  • Quality managers 
  • Construction engineers/developers 
  • Procurement/purchasing managers 
  • Project managers 
  • Management

Contact us now!

Beginner - Adhesives and Dispensing Technology

Request Academy (Training)

Request Form
Rainer Haslauer, Scheugenpflug Academy

Rainer Haslauer


Phone: +49 9445 9564 225
